Arthrex Joint Preservation
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Arthrex Joint Preservation

Cartilage damage is treatable.

Innovative Arthrex Technologies for All Defect Sizes

Arthrex Offers Comprehensive Cartilage Treatment Options to Support Joint Preservation

Mixing and delivery system, large applicator
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AutoCart™ Procedure

Cartiform 20 mm disc
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Cartiform® Allograft

Bone Graft Harvester 10 mm
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Autograft OATS® Technique

Depth Stop 15 mm
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Allograft OATS® Technique

Disposable Cutting Kit, Oblong Cutter
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BioUni® Procedure

Open Tip
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IntraOsseous BioPlasty® Procedure

Technology changes everything. With a vast portfolio of customizable biologic options that prioritize patient outcomes, Arthrex offers simple, cost-effective cartilage repair solutions designed to preserve joint function and integrate seamlessly into your treatment plans for concomitant injuries. 

Treat patients’ injuries with the most minimally invasive procedures available, rely on orthobiologic products that support optimal healing, and go beyond the cartilage with Arthrex innovations in visualization, alignment, ligament repair, and more.

Explore the full-spectrum treatment algorithm.

Repair. Restore. Reconstruct.

IOBP Knee Kit, Closed-Tip

An ever-growing body of research supports the products and procedures that make up the Arthrex cartilage repair continuum. Combined with other Arthrex products and procedures, you have the tools to create a patient-customized treatment plan for orthopedic injuries and defects of all sizes and complexities. The only treatment for hyaline cartilage is hyaline cartilage.

Simple solutions for a complex problem.

Innovative Biologic Treatments

Continuously building the next generation of Orthobiologics technology, Arthrex offers a vast portfolio of cellular and molecular products that seamlessly integrate into various techniques.

See the Full Biologic Picture

What Joint Preservation Experts Say

“Cartilage repair is not always just cartilage repair alone; it is often a package of treatments. Arthrex has a wide array of solutions to fit patient needs.”

William D. Bugbee, MD

La Jolla, CA

“In my more than 25 years of collaborative cartilage research and clinical experience, I have learned that the foundation for any joint preservation algorithm includes consideration of the joint as an organ with specific treatments that respect both bone and articular cartilage.”

Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA

Chicago, IL

“Arthrex is the leader in cartilage repair and restoration. They give you the tools to be able to treat any cartilage lesion you come across. Even if, intraoperatively, I identify one that requires treatment, I have the tools to fix it immediately.”

Tracye J. Lawyer, MD, PhD

Boise, ID

“We’ve learned over the years that cartilage is not one size fits all and we need different options for different patients and different lesions. Having the portfolio Arthrex offers just makes it so much easier.”

Rachel M. Frank, MD

Denver, CO
Physicians are paid consultants of Arthrex, Inc.

Unparalleled Surgeon and Facility Support

From its industry-leading laboratory facilities in Naples, FL, and around the world, Arthrex offers a wide variety of courses led by world-class surgeon faculty and an expert medical education staff.

World-class medical education is also supported through an expansive resource library and extensively trained Technology Consultants to help navigate cartilage repair treatment decisions in the OR.

Let us help you start your Arthrex journey.